Antti Hiltunen

Software Engineer, PhD, CSS plumber

About Me

I'm currently working as a software engineer at ISBX, contracted to build a robot user interface for BrainCorp. I'm skilled with a range of modern web technologies such as Typescript, React, Material UI, and CSS. However, I think the real skills I learned are related to build a user interface that's embedded to a complex robotic system. That includes solving UX issues revolving around making the robot simple and intuitive to the end user, but also working with an event-based web socket API that differs from bread and butter client-server interfaces. Creating tooling that supports testing and UX design work have been also useful lessons in my journey.

In a previous segment of my life, I was a lecturer at UCLA where I completed my PhD in philosophy.

I was mainly working on the philosophy of Spinoza, who I think is the most interesting of the so-called great figures of Western philosophical tradition. Interesting because he tried to combine the disciplines of ethics and metaphysics into one system, rather than treat them as separate disciplines. (While ambitious, I don't think he succeeded, but there are a lot of interesting big-picture ideas in his philosophy that still aren't appreciated enough.)

This Site

After having built various things with modern web development tools over the years, I decided to go back and re-create my personal website. Even simple websites these days ship with a lot of JS in the form of frameworks and libraries. To soothe my mind, I wanted to create a site that's very minimal and is guaranteed to be free of frameworks and build tools. So far I'm liking the experience.